Just Discovered

These recently published nutrigenomics studies reveal interesting information about how our genes affect the way we process food. Read on to learn more about the newest discoveries in nutrition.

Have you ever set your alarm extra early to squeeze in a morning workout or stayed up late into the night to finish up something for work? Well a small new study suggests these habits may actually cause unwanted weight gain, even for healthy individuals. This study looked at individuals who choose to sleep less rather than suffer from insomnia. 

People who don’t get enough sleep tend to eat more, in fact, the study found that sleep-deprived individuals ate roughly 300 extra calories throughout the day. The extra calories did not appear to translate to an increase on the scale, however, they did see that there was an 11% increase in visceral fat. What further surprised the researchers was that after the period of sleep restriction was stopped and the eating returned to normal, the visceral fat continued to increase.

While this was a small study, if you know you are coming up on a period of time with the potential for minimal or disrupted sleep, it still may be helpful to pay attention to your food choices and do your best to prioritize nutrient-dense foods. Read more about the study here

Fast Fact: 

When it comes to protein, many people think of chicken, beef, or eggs. However, there are many other foods that contain protein. In fact, pistachio nuts are even a complete protein source! This means they contain all the essential amino acids! 

You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers! 

Q: I’ve heard that probiotics can help with gut health, among other things. Is this something I need to supplement?

A: While there are many probiotic supplements out there, luckily there are many foods that naturally contain probiotics! Some common foods that contain probiotics are yogurt, kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, and kombucha. By including these foods in your eating pattern, you will be feeding your gut with a variety of probiotics! 

Trends for Foodies

Discover the hottest trends in the food industry that affect the way we look at—and eat—food!

With the price of coffee rising, many people are looking for alternative options. Luckily, there are many coffee substitutes that even taste similar to coffee! For those of you that are more sensitive to caffeine, many of these alternatives are even caffeine-free or only contain a small amount of caffeine. People are gravitating towards a variety of herbal drinks, drinks made with cocoa, and fun drinks made with matcha or turmeric. This category of coffee alternatives will likely continue to grow and popularize!

Fast Fact: 

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, fresh isn’t necessarily better than frozen! In fact, freezing fruits and vegetables helps food retain its vitamins and minerals. In order to retain these nutrients through cooking, steaming is the best cooking method since it leaves behind less water. Whichever cooking method you choose, aim to use the least amount of water possible so the nutrients remain in the food. 

What’s Cooking?

Each month, we will be highlighting a few seasonal recipes. Happy cooking!

If you’re looking for a sweet and zesty recipe to add to your weekend brunch, this lemon poppyseed bread is a great gluten-free option! 


Servings: 8

Serving size: 1 slice

Calories: 258

Fat: 9.5g 

Carbohydrates: 40g

Fiber: 2.6g 

Protein: 7.2g

If you are looking to change up your weekday salad, this spicy and tangy salad combines a variety of flavors in a fun way! 


Servings: 2

Serving size: 1

Calories: 589

Fat: 24g 

Carbohydrates: 26g

Fiber: 9g

Protein: 40g

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