Just Discovered
These recently published nutrigenomics studies reveal interesting information about how our genes affect the way we process food. Read on to learn more about the newest discoveries in nutrition.
While many people have heard the recommendation to limit their sodium intake for heart health, a recent study found that it may also increase longevity. The study of over 500,00 British adults found that the ones who regularly added salt to their food while at the table were 28% more likely to die early when compared to people who rarely added salt to their food. They also found that on average, the ones that added salt to food lived around 2 years less.
While this does not mean that for everyone adding salt to foods will equate to a shorter life expectancy, it does show that on top of heart health, reducing sodium intake may also help with longevity.
This study was also able to point out that an overall healthy eating pattern had a protective effect. They found that the people with the highest fruit and vegetable intake, even if they regularly added salt to their food, saw no negative impact on their longevity. As with most things in our diet, it’s the overall eating pattern that tends to be the most important! You can read more about the study here.
Fast Fact:
You may have parsley growing in your garden and not even realize its nutritional value! Parsley is actually a major source of calcium, containing 83 mg in 1 cup. It is also packed with vitamins A, C, and K.
You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
Q: Is it possible to combine intermittent fasting with my GenoPalate results?
A: If you are someone that practices intermittent fasting, then combining your GenoPalate recommendation would actually be quite easy! Since intermittent fasting is about when you eat and eating for your genes is more about what you eat, it could be a perfect pairing. You can stick with your current preferred eating times and simply begin to include more of your optimal foods to aim to get more nutrient density from each meal and snack. For those that aren’t familiar with intermittent fasting, you can read more about it here.
What’s Cooking?
Each month, we will highlight a few seasonal recipes. Happy cooking!
If you’re a fan of elote, this Mexican street corn pasta salad from Fit Foodie Finds puts a fun spin on a traditional pasta salad!
Servings: 8
Serving size: 1
Calories: 496
Fat: 11g
Carbohydrates: 87g
Fiber: 8g
Protein: 19g
If you’re looking for a fun new way to prepare your salmon, give this smoky salmon recipe from Minimalist Baker a try!
Servings: 4
Serving size: 1
Calories: 418
Fat: 22.7g
Carbohydrates: 27.7g
Fiber: 4.8g
Protein: 28.8g
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