"Welcome! We are so excited for you to begin your journey toward better health by eating for your genes. Please take a few minutes to learn more about the results you'll soon be receiving."

-Sherry Zhang, Ph.D., Founder & CEO

What will my report tell me?

Ideal nutrient profile, based on you

Your results use peer-reviewed research in nutrigenetics to calculate your ideal intake for 23 nutrients based on your DNA. This includes whether you may benefit from a low, moderate, or high intake for macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and protein) as well as micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). 

These recommendations are designed to help you reach optimal health and prevent chronic disease.

Ideal nutrient profile, based on you

Your results use peer-reviewed research in nutrigenetics to calculate your ideal intake for 23 nutrients based on your DNA. This includes whether you may benefit from a low, moderate, or high intake for macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and protein) as well as micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). 

These recommendations are designed to help you reach optimal health and prevent chronic disease.


You’ll also see your likelihood of sensitivity to lactose and gluten. This will show how likely you are to the be sensitive in comparison to the average person, but they cannot diagnose a sensitivity. You may be “very likely” to have a gluten sensitivity, but have no issues when you consume breads and pastas that contain gluten.

Substance metabolism

Your results will also include whether you are a slow or fast metabolizer of alcohol and caffeine. People who are fast caffeine metabolizers can often drink multiple cups of coffee per day and keep their cool, while a slow metabolizer may be up all night if consuming caffeine after noon!

Your food list

Finally, you’ll receive a personalized food list containing over 100 foods that best match your genetic-based nutrient needs. For example, if your genes suggest that you need high zinc and high vitamin B12 one of your suggested meats may be lean ground beef because it contains high amounts of zinc and B12. 

Your list will cover 16 different food categories including your top starches, leafy vegetables, meats, fruits, and many more. These options will make it easy for you to shop and eat for the foods healthiest for you.

Your food list

Finally, you’ll receive a personalized food list containing over 100 foods that best match your genetic-based nutrient needs. For example, if your genes suggest that you need high zinc and high vitamin B12 one of your suggested meats may be lean ground beef because it contains high amounts of zinc and B12. 

Your list will cover 16 different food categories including your top starches, leafy vegetables, meats, fruits, and many more. These options will make it easy for you to shop and eat for the foods healthiest for you.


Will my results help me lose weight?

Your GenoPalate results will help you make healthier choices about which foods to eat and which nutrients you can focus on for better health. This can help you develop healthy nutrition habits, which may aid you in attaining your health goals. However, nutrition is only one part of the whole. Other healthy lifestyle choices such as proper sleep, exercise and stress management are also important factors in weight management.

Will my results show food allergies or sensitivities?

There are genetic links to lactose and gluten sensitivity which will be shown in your results, but allergies to specific foods are largely a product of your environment. Currently,​ genetic testing cannot medically diagnose a food allergy or sensitivity such as peanuts or shrimp.​ Because of this, it is possible that you could receive a food recommendation that you are allergic to, so please be mindful about not eating the foods you are allergic to.

Will this show me which foods  to not eat?

Currently, GenoPalate does not identify foods to avoid (with the exception of foods containing lactose or gluten for those who may be sensitive). We do provide you with foods that will best fit your gene-based nutrient needs. If certain foods are not included in your recommendations, this does not mean they are unhealthy, they just happen to contain less of the nutrients that you need more of!

GenoPalate does not diagnose diseases or recommend specific diet types. Please make sure to consult your health care provider if you plan on starting any new diet or workout programs.

"Want to learn more? Take a look at our crash courses on genetics and nutrition."

-Sherry Zhang, Ph.D., Founder & CEO

Genetics 101

Nutrition 101