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Beyond Olive Oil: 10 Healthy Cooking Oils to Consider Based on Your Genes

Most health professionals recommend consuming approximately 5 grams of healthy oil every day. But this amount changes from person to person depending on their age, size, gender, and, 

yes, DNA.

Thanks to its connection to the Mediterranean diet as well as some very successful marketing campaigns, olive oil is well known for its health benefits. It prevents inflammation, reduces the risk of some chronic diseases as well as cancer and strokes, and is chock full of antioxidants.  

But olive oil is far from the only healthy cooking oil you might want to stock your cupboards with. Your GenoPalate nutritional DNA analysis will list at least five oils you should consider. 

Slip and slide down for 10 cooking oils that may be better suited to your unique genetic makeup.

Avocado Oil

Avocados are popular fruits, known for being high in “healthy” fats. 

Similar to olive oil, the benefits of avocado oil mainly come from its healthy fat content, known as oleic acid. Compared to other oils such as coconut, olive, and corn, avocado oil has the most positive effects on our cholesterol levels and overall heart health. 

One unique antioxidant found in avocado oil is lutein, a carotenoid naturally found in your eyes. This antioxidant can reduce your risk of cataracts and other issues related to eye degeneration. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has grown in popularity thanks to its health benefits and its significance to Asian cuisines. The coconut itself is also known as a superfood. Coconut oil has been widely used in the skincare and beauty industry because of the moisturizing properties.

Coconut oil contains a large amount of healthy saturated fats, known as MCTs, which promote fat burning in your body. They can also provide you with an energy boost to your body and brain. 

In populations where coconuts are consumed daily as a part of a staple diet, individuals have been found to enjoy greater overall health as well as lower rates of heart disease

Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is a staple cooking oil in Asian countries and it also provides a myriad of health benefits. Sesame oil is a great source of antioxidants known as sesamol and sesaminol. 

One unique aspect of sesame oil that makes it stand out from other oils is that it can help control blood sugar levels long-term, and especially help those who have diabetes. Also, sesame oil might help to treat arthritis

Walnut Oil

Walnut oil has been linked to healthy skin thanks to its impressive omega-3 fatty acids.

Along with being a good source of omega-3’s, studies have shown walnut oil helps:

- Lower blood pressure;

- Control blood sugar; 

- Lower cholesterol.

If walnut oil appears on your nutritional DNA analysis, you can incorporate it into your diet in salad dressings and cold preparations. It is not recommended as a cooking oil because the heat can leave it with a bitter taste as well as destroy some nutrients.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseeds have many health benefits such as being a great source of protein and fiber. In its oil form, it continues to be packed with similar health benefits. 

Also known as linseed oil, flaxseed oil is very high in omega-3 fatty acids, and as we saw from the oils mentioned above, omega-3s are an essential part of maintaining good health. 

There is also some evidence that shows flaxseed oil can reduce cancer cell growth, benefits heart health, and may help in treating constipation and diarrhea. 

The great thing about flaxseed oil is its versatility in cooking. It can be added to smoothies or used in dips and salad dressings. Similar to walnut oil, flaxseed oil should not be used in cooking.

Canola Oil

Canola oil is known for its versatility, light flavor profile, and high smoke point—the temperature at which it begins to burn. Studies have shown canola oil is an excellent choice for heart health and is low in saturated fat. 

Canola oil also has one of the highest amounts of omega-3s (known as ALA) next to flaxseed oil. ALA is an important part of the diet since your body can’t naturally produce it. It is also high in “healthy” fats known as monounsaturated fats. 

To incorporate canola oil into your diet you can use it as cooking oil for frying, grilling, and baking. And since it has a light flavor it can also be used in salad dressings and dips.

Sunflower Oil

There are four types of sunflower oil, itching containing different fatty acids. In general, these oils have higher linoleic or oleic acid levels. Health benefits from sunflower oil come from the varieties which have higher oleic levels because they contain monounsaturated fats which reduce cholesterol levels.

Thanks to its light flavor, sunflower oil is often used in many of the same ways as vegetable oil or canola oil.

Cottonseed Oil

Cottonseed oil is derived from the seeds of cotton plants (unsurprisingly!) and it can be used for cooking as well as a home remedy to address certain skin conditions. It is typically used to preserve the shelf life of foods like potato chips and margarine. 

While not necessarily the ‘healthiest’ oil on this list, studies have linked it to a reduction in cancer cells and cardiovascular disease, as well as lower inflammation.

Soybean Oil

Like canola oil, soybean oil is considered pretty flexible in its applications since it has a high smoke point. It also has many health benefits that can aid your heart (rich in healthy fats), skin (high in vitamin E), and bone health (high in vitamin K). 

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is derived from the pressed seeds of grapes and is a byproduct of the wine industry. Grapeseed oil can have positive impacts on your skin health because it has antimicrobial properties. It can be used to effectively treat acne breakouts. Consuming grapeseed oil provides your body with high levels of vitamin E as well as antioxidants. 

Your DNA can tell you what oils to eat

Curious to learn which healthy fats and oils are best suited to your DNA? You can learn more about your unique genetic code and what types of food can help optimize your health by ordering our nutritional DNA test today. By ordering our test kit we’ll ship you a safe, unintrusive saliva swap to capture your unique genetic code. After we’ve analyzed your sample, we’ll be able to tell you exactly which oils (as well as numerous other foods) are best suited to you. With this powerful nutritional tool, you’ll be able to make smart health decisions at the grocery store and in the kitchen.


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