Just Discovered
These recently published nutrigenomics studies reveal interesting information about how our genes affect the way we process food. Read on to learn more about the newest discoveries in nutrition.
Many people now know that sleep is a vital component of overall health. Because of this, everyone seeks ways to improve their sleep. Still, more than one-third of Americans don’t regularly get adequate sleep.
People who do not get enough sleep or those that get poor sleep have a higher risk of high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and atherosclerosis. Additionally, inadequate sleep is linked to weight gain, inflammation, and diabetes.
A recent study found that resistance exercise, in particular, may improve sleep more when compared to aerobic exercise. This study looked at overweight adults with high blood pressure and assigned them to groups. They were placed into one of three groups—a control group without an exercise routine, a group that did supervised resistance exercise, or a group that did supervised aerobic exercise. Both exercise-related groups exercised 3x/week for 60 minutes using a combination of different types of training.
They found that the quality of sleep improved for all the groups; however, the resistance-trained group found the most benefit. The participants who were getting less than 7 hours of sleep prior to the study and were assigned resistance exercises were able to increase their sleep by 17 minutes each night and took 3 minutes less to fall asleep.
You can read more about the preliminary findings here.
Fast Fact:
You may have noticed hibiscus-flavored products trending more recently. Did you know that studies have shown that the antioxidants in hibiscus have both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties? There is much more to your afternoon hibiscus tea than just the flavor! It also has potential promising health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, stabilizing blood sugars, and reducing blood lipid levels!
You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
Q: I find that I have a difficult time getting in my recommended potassium requirement. How can I get my recommended 4100mg each day?
A: While your individual needs may be different, the RDA for potassium is 4,700 milligrams, which can be a high goal to achieve with food, but it is possible! In some cases, a supplement may be helpful depending on your goals or any health conditions. Just be sure to check with your health care provider before starting a potassium supplement. Some foods high in potassium are avocado, banana, potato, dried apricots, spinach, watermelon, and coconut water.
Trends for Foodies
Discover the hottest trends in the food industry that affect the way we look at—and eat—food!
You may have noticed an abundance of products with a sweet and spicy flavor combination. While fall is approaching, you will likely see these flavors stick around. Whether it’s hot honey, sweet and spicy nuts, or a sweet chili sauce, give them a try!
Fast Fact:
Do you have Sunflower Oil on your optimal foods list? If so, did you know sunflower oil is an excellent source of vitamin E and is high in both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids? Keep in mind that this oil is not recommended for high-heat cooking!
What’s Cooking?
Each month, we will be highlighting a few seasonal recipes. Happy cooking!
As summer comes to an end, you may be looking for more packable lunch options. If so, try out these buffalo chickpea salad wraps from Ambitious Kitchen!
Servings: 3 servings
Serving size: 1 wrap
Calories: 375
Fat: 12.8g
Carbohydrates: 56.1g
Fiber: 14g
Protein: 13g
For a quick morning breakfast option, this blueberry banana-baked oatmeal by Jar of Lemons is a great make-ahead meal!
Servings: 8 servings
Serving size: 1
Calories: 252
Fat: 8g
Carbohydrates: 40g
Fiber: 7g
Protein: 7g
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